Keen Academics
IB Tutoring
Supporting education through common experience.
We take pride in selecting tutors who have excelled in their subjects and possess the ability to teach effectively. Often, students have experienced instruction from educators who haven't taken the IB exams and employ outdated teaching methods. We firmly believe that learning from former IB students is the optimal approach.
Our Services
All our subject-specific tutoring is done in per hour rate, but our prices change when more than 40 minutes of extra work is required of the tutor outside of meetings (eg. IA or EE reading and marking). All tutoring is done online.
All our tutors are the same price. Our prices are written in UK Pounds, but other currencies are accepted.
Once you have booked time with a tutor, they will be immediately in contact with you about what you would like to work on during your session and what you would like to achieve.
Per-hour IB tutoring
This includes instructional sessions, topic review and longterm or short term exam prep one on one with one of our tutors. If your tutor does two subjects that you would like to be taught, then both can be covered in the same session. These sessions can be booked in blocks of 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes.
£40 per hour
£34 per hour
Organisation Package
Coming soon…
IB Essay Support Package
Send in your EE, IA or HL Essay to be marked by a tutor before a round of feedback in an online video session. The session length varies based on the length of the essay (generally 30 minutes for IA’s and HL Essays and 1 hour for EE’s) Get started here.
Price based on essay type
IB Essay Send-In Package
Send in your Extended Essay, Internal Assessment or HL Essay (for HL Language A students) for it to be marked and annotated then sent back within 24 hours. This is similar to our other essay support packages, but does not include the oral feedback and walkthrough session. Get started here.
Price based on essay type
UCAS Personal Statement Help
Send in your personal statement be read and annotated by both our language tutor as well as the tutor closest to your chosen university course. This precedes a 30 minute session with the two tutors to discuss the essay.
Oxbridge Mock Interviews
Offered in 45 minute blocks, a student will have a mock interview (30 minutes) and then receive feedback. Like Oxbridge interviews, two tutors will be present. Each student must provide their personal statement and additional materials at least 2 days before the interview. Email to see if your subject is available.
£40 per session